How to Clean Mesh Chairs (6 Steps)

Mesh Chairs

Now, if you have bought a mesh chair and are using it frequently, you should know that there are quite a few ways to maintain it properly and get the maximum value out of it. Mesh chairs look great and are easy to maintain, but there are going to be times where the chair is probably going to get stained.

When that happens, you will want to remove these stains as quickly as possible. To do this, there are a series of steps that you need to follow. Here’s a brief guide on how to properly clean the mesh chairs.

Steps for Cleaning Mesh Chairs

Step 1: Vacuuming

The first step to properly clean the mesh chair is to get rid of all the dust and grime that tends to settle in the finely woven mesh. To do that, you are going to need a decent vacuum cleaner. Use one that has a brush attached on its end so that you can dislodge all of the dust.

You can also make use of a hose attachment to clean along the small crevices and cracks. These are areas where the dirt and residue tend to stick to and build up quite often. So, it’s imperative that you get started with the vacuuming first.

Step 2: Preparing a cleaning rag with Liquid Soap

The next step is to make use of a bit of liquid soap and pour it onto a cleaning rag. You can then use the moistened rag properly in a bit of warm water.

Before you start using the rag, you have to make sure that you twist it as thoroughly as possible, so that all the excess water can be removed from the rag. Otherwise, you are just going to be pouring more water on it.

Step 3: Rubbing

Then, you need to use the rag to rub the damp cloth all over the mesh chair. Try to be as gentle as possible when rubbing the cloth.

Step 4: Using Cotton Swabs to get rid of soapy liquid

Once the mesh chair has been dampened properly, let it sit for a few minutes. However, don’t take too long. Finally, take a cotton swab and get it wet under a bit of warm water.

Now, you can use the cotton swab to get rid of all the soapy liquid over the mesh chair. Keep in mind that a simple cotton swab isn’t going to do the trick. You will want to use multiple swabs to properly get rid of the soapy liquid, or what you need to do is soak the swab again and again before reusing it. This way, you will be able to get rid of all the soapy liquid properly from the mesh chair.

Step 5: Cleaning The Wheels

A considerable amount of dirt is going to get lodged within the wheels as well. You will need to use the dirty rag and get it in between the wheel covers as well. Use it as thoroughly as possible to get rid of all the dirt and debris that is stuck under the wheels.

Step 6: Let it Dry

Finally, you can let the chair dry in a properly ventilated place before you use it again. Keep in mind that you must never leave the chair out in the open, as that can lead to considerable damage.

You have to make sure that you keep it away from the sunlight. If the chair has a metallic frame, it is likely to corrode over time as well. To prevent that from happening, one of the best things that you can do is take a bit of WD-40 and apply it all around the metallic frame after it has been washed and cleaned.

It’s a very simple, yet highly effective water displacement solution that has been used for ages for preventing corrosion.

Hire a Professional

If you don’t want to get into all of the trouble of cleaning your mesh chair by yourself, arguably the best choice available to you is to hire a professional for cleaning the chairs.

There are a number of local cleaning companies that offer thorough furniture cleaning services. You can get a quote from them for cleaning the mesh chairs and then decide to call them.

They use a wide range of specialized cleaning solutions and advanced tools to get rid of all the stains and bring the chairs back to their original condition. If you want the best work done, this is a great choice.

Methods to clean some special stains

How to Get the Crumbs Out

One of the biggest issues that many people face in cleaning a mesh chair is getting the crumbs out. These tiny crumbs can get stuck in tiny nooks and crannies, and it can be very difficult to get them out.

Even a high-pressure vacuum cleaner might not work well enough, because the crumbs might get tightly lodged in between the frame. The best way to clean these tiny crumbs is to take a piece of cloth, dampen it a bit, and then run it through the frame.

Stretch the cloth from both sides, and then pry it in between the frame. Then, you can simply run it through to get rid of all the crumbs and powders that get stuck in between the frames.

How to Clean Spills

There is a strong risk of spills and stains from time to time. When that happens, a vacuum cleaner won’t work. A common mistake that many people make in such situations is that they try to rub the stain out with a dry fabric.

That’s a bad idea, and could cause irreversible damage to the woven mesh as well. Instead, what you need to do is take a small piece of cloth, and dip it in some soapy liquid. You can make use of a standard detergent to try and clean it off.

Instead of rubbing on the stain, you should always blot it out. Blotting is a great way to get rid of a stain without letting it spread all around. On top of that, you can also try and prevent the stain from settling in. As soon as you spill something on your wire mesh chair, all you need to do is to take a dry cloth and blot it. Let the cloth soak up all of the stain and spill, and let it dry for a bit. If you notice a stain, you can try to clean it using the method given above.

How to clean small stains

If there is a small stain on the mesh chair, you can simply clean it using a basic surface cleaner. There is no need for you to make use of a robust or bleachy cleaner, as that can cause damage to the mesh and can also cause discoloration. It’s recommended that you make use of a basic surface cleaner that doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals.

All you have to do is spray a bit of the surface cleaner on the chair, and use a simple piece of cloth to wipe it off. It’s recommended that you do not rub too hard on the surface, as that can cause more damage.

How to Cleaning Specific Parts of Mesh Chairs

Cleaning the Lumbar Support

Most mesh chairs have a detachable piece installed on the back to provide lumbar support. If you want to clean it properly, all you have to do is remove the piece and then wash it properly before putting it back on.

Cleaning the Base

If you have a mesh chair that comes with a standard plastic base, you won’t have to face much of a problem in cleaning it. All you need is a multi-purpose surface cleaner and you are good to go.

On the other hand, if you have a base that is made of metal, you should know that the paint might scratch off now and then. In some cases, the metal might begin to corrode over time as well.

You should know that the base of the mesh chair can be detached in most cases. you can remove the base and give it a thorough cleaning before attaching it back. The process is relatively simple, and doesn’t require a lot of effort on your part.

If you want to repaint the base, you can do that as well to get rid of those signs of corrosion and make the chair look as good as new.

Cleaning the Headrest

There are several mesh chairs that come with a separate headrest on top. By unscrewing from the back, you will be able to remove the headrest completely from the mesh chair. Then, you can just clean the headrest properly.

In most cases, the headrest is going to be made of a mesh fabric as well. However, if there is cushioning on your headrest, you can clean it with a simple washcloth. Use an anti-bacterial surface cleaner to make it look as good as new.

Cleaning the Padded Mesh

The padded mesh is incredibly difficult to clean, and there is also a risk that the padded mesh will not dry out so quickly. If you want to clean the padded mesh properly, you need to see if the padding can be removed.

If that doesn’t work, you will have to use a standard vacuum to get rid of all the crumbs and specks that get stuck in between. Then, just use a very soft bristled brush to clean it properly.

How to Maintain the Mesh Chairs

The best way to prolong the life of your office chair is to maintain it as best as you can. There are a number of things that you can do to maintain the mesh chair properly. Here’s what you can do.

Avoid Drinking Nearby

Spilling hot coffee or tea on the chair is a terrible thing, and that can cause serious issues. It’s recommended that you avoid drinking or spilling things on the chair. If you have to drink or eat near the mesh chair, you should always lean forward on the table.

A common mistake that many people make in such situations is that they try to rub the stain out with a dry fabric. That’s a bad idea, and could cause irreversible damage to the woven mesh as well. Instead, what you need to do is take a small piece of cloth, and dip it in some soapy liquid. You can make use of a standard detergent to try and clean it off.

The same goes for eating. If you are eating chips or biscuits on the mesh chair, you should always lean forward. If you are using a chair at home, you should always keep a handheld vacuum cleaner nearby. In case something falls on the mesh chair, you can always clean it up.

Oiling the Machinery

Most mesh chairs have a hydraulic machine installed underneath that allows adjustment of the chair. You can increase or decrease the height of the chair, and you can decide whether to recline it backwards or not.

The reclining mechanism is usually lever powered and locks in place. If it starts making a bit of noise, all you have to do is to take some WD-40 or use standard machine oil in order to lubricate it. Lubricate is necessary to prevent the creaking noises and to ensure the chair lasts its life.

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